So you've nailed the tone of voice in the copy, and you've started to build your email list; but you're not doing so well in the Google ranking department...
No worries, witches! I've got you covered! As a pro copywriter I work with small businesses to boost their SEO and here are few practical tips on how you can do that.
One thing I must mention is that: SEO is all about playing the LONG GAME. There is no easy fix. Copy that contains OTT numbers of keywords doesn't read well, so it's all about a carefully planned website and being in it for the long-haul. You've got to be strategically planning your content and being persistent.
Notebooks at the might want to work through this blog as if it were an exercise, or print it off and take time to work on your website SEO.
You need to understand the purpose of your website. What is your goal as a business? Are you a service or do you sell a product? Think about your customers and what their pain points are.
What do you want to rank for on Google? Come up with a list of words and terms that you want to be found for. Make a shortlist of keywords and phrase - you'll need those in a minute!
Try to think like your customers. What would they be searching for? Do some keyword research and check out your competitors' landing pages - make a note of frequently used words.
Take away: Planning out your content based on the results you discover in keyword planner, posting consistently and providing useful content for your ideal clients - soon you'll be working your way up onto the first page.
To make your website appear more authoritative (and therefore boost SEO) it's a good idea to build links - not only between your own pages but between your website and others too. Google bots bloody love a linked up website.
Go through each of your previously published blog posts and current landing pages, and find when you've mentioned something about a service you offer or a product they can buy on your website, highlight a part of the text and put in a hyperlink to the page they'll need.
Linking to other websites is just as easy. You can pop a link to another website your readers might find useful, or something you'd recommend. If you use affiliate links that can work too. Neatly scatter these throughout your website without making it look overbearing.
Here's the important bit...You also want other blogs and websites to link back to your site. See if you can find any mentions of your business on other websites. A product of yours might be recommended by an influencer, but there might not be a link yet. Or maybe you've done a styled shoot in the past and the photographer has written about it; ask them to link to your website where they've mentioned your part in it all.
Keep a look out for opportunities to guest post on other authoratitive blogs, giving you the chance for a bit of PR and an easy way to link back to your website and boost SEO. It's a game of reciprocity, so build relationships with other business women, nurture those connections and offer to do a guest post for them, and a chance to write something on your blog too.
Keep a look out for more SEO expertise and some exciting guest posts from other experts on this blog!
For more tips and tricks to boost your business, follow me on social: @thissisterscribes
Also, please feel free to email me if you have any questions about SEO, copywriting or blogging. I won't bite. Promise!